DataCore Training and Certification
A Variety of Learning Courses
From short online webinars through to full formal classroom based sessions, there is a suitable training program for all. The formal classroom based courses are provided by DataCore and our Partners.
Instructor-led classes
The Subject Matter Experts running the course are some of the most knowledgeable in the field and have themselves followed vigorous training and accreditation as Trainers. These instructor-led classes have hands-on workshops to stimulate and reinforce learning, and combine practical with real world experiences and scenarios that you can apply on your return to work.
Training Calendar
Learn and Certify
Designed to prepare Storage Administrators with the tools, knowledge and practical experience to successfully plan, implement and manage a storage environment in which DataCore software is used for storage management, virtualization and availability.
Installation Management
A short web-based training course delivers the knowledge and practical experience necessary in order to successfully plan, implement and manage a SAN environment.
One-Day Customer Online Course
A one-day, self-paced SANsymphony customer lab. A live SANsymphony environment will be accessed by the student in order to learn common management functions. This self-paced lab is designed to provide a SANsymphony user with the tools, knowledge and practical experience to manage a SANsymphony-powered infrastructure.
Get Started to Become a Software-Defined Storage Expert
Find a course near you or contact us at if you have questions.